NHPWA Scholarship Program

Each year, the New Hampshire Public Works Association awards Training or Education Scholarships to public works employees. The scholarship application is open to NHPWA Members, employees of a NHPWA Member Community or Consulting Firm, or a non-member with a letter of recommendation from a member, and scholarships are awarded in amounts up to $1,500.

Applications for the NHPWA Training or Education Scholarships are accepted annually, and the deadline for application is communicated on the NHPWA website. Application Packages must be emailed in PDF format to nhpwascholarships@googlegroups.com and received by the deadline in order to be processed and considered.

Full 2024 Program Details

2024 applications are now open.
Application Deadline: April 19, 2024.


2024 NHPWA scholarship form 


Congratulations to the 2023 Scholarship Recipients!

Lisa Perrault (Kingston)

Adam Clark (Concord)

Brett Rusnock (Keene)

  1. Applicant must either be: (1) a NHPWA Member; (2) be employed at a Member community or consulting firm; or (3) a non-member who has received a letter of recommendation from a Member.
  2. Any applicant that is an employee of a Member community must have been employed by the member community for at least twelve (12) consecutive months.
  3. Awards must be applied to a training or seminar applicable to public works or public works operations, or to the education and/or development of public works officials or employees.
  4. Scholarships are awarded in amounts not to exceed $1,500; however the NHPWA reserves the right to award scholarships for varying amounts depending on the nature of the application and the overall positive benefit to the greater public works community.
  5. Upon receipt of an award, the recipient must provide or attend training within one year of the award or the funds will be forfeited by the recipient. No transfer of funds will be allowed.
  6. Upon completion of the planned training or education session, the scholarship recipient must provide a written summary of the event to the NHPWA Board of Directors for inclusion in NHPWA's newsletter. Alternatively, the recipient may offer to present information gathered at the training/event at an NHPWA Technical Session as a means of providing learned information to the greater public works community. Event summary of subsequent presentations shall be completed within 45-days of the completion of the approved event.

The following criteria will be used by NHPWA as the basis for selecting scholarship recipients:

  1. Statement of Applicability 20 points
  2. Letter(s) of Recommendation 20 points
  3. Demonstrated Benefit to Public Works Community 30 points
  4. Benefits to Individual/Professional or Personal Development 30 points

Total: 100 points

Please address any questions about this application to Samuel Fortier, NHPWA Scholarship Chair.