Certified Culvert Maintainer (CCM)

Current CCM Training Schedule

NH Certified Culvert Maintainer (CCM)

The UNH T2 Center's full day Culvert Maintainer Certification Training class covers the basics of the NH culvert legislation that became effective December 21st, 2013.  These rules were adapted in compliance with RSA 482-A:3, XVII - XIX. In addition, effective 7/1/2024, the UNH T2 Center's Installation and Maintenance of Culverts class is also approved by NHDES as a CCM initial training. These courses cover these basics:

  • Certification Legislation
  • Certification Requirements
  • Process
  • Culvert Criteria
  • Responsibilities
  • Staying Certified

 *UNH T2 provides certified culvert maintainer training but the certification is provided by NHDES.

Certification and Recertification Periods

Initial certification is valid for the remainder of the year issued, plus all of the following year For instance, if someone takes their initial CCM training in June 2025 and obtains their CCM certification for the first time effective June 17, 2025, the initial certificate will be effective from 6/17/2025 - 12/31/2026(the remainder of 2025 and all of 2026). If someone takes their initial CCM training and applies for a certificate in April 2025, and receives their initial certificate effective April 10, 2025, the initial CCM certificate would be effective from 4/10/2025-12/31/2026.

Renewal certification is for the full two years following the expiration of the CCM’s current certification.  This means the CCM can take their renewal training anytime in the second year, and it will not impact or “shorten” the dates of the subsequent renewal certificate.  For instance, if the current initial certificate is set to expire on 12/31/2025, and the renewal training is completed on 7/14/2025, the renewal certificate (once all criteria and application details are met) will be issued for 1/1/2026-12/31/2027.

Regardless of a certificate being active until 12/31 of the year, it’s important to submit proof of training and application to renew certificates by November 15th of that year (six weeks before the certificate expires). NHDES has 10 days to issue recertifications, which includes confirmation that you have provided quarterly notifications, and this deadline prevents lapses in your certification.

Important Notice About Quarterly Reports:

NHDES monitors compliance with quarterly reporting when making the decision to accept or reject recertification applications. Any applicant requesting recertification must have met all recertification requirements, including training as well as quarterly reporting for in the prior years. This includes submitting quarterly reports even when the individual did not complete any CCM work in the prior quarter. Applicants for CCM Recertification that have not met the reporting requirements in the prior year will not be able to recertify.

Renewal Requirements

In order to renew the culvert maintainer certificate, the applicant must:

  • provide documentation that the individual has completed 2 hours of instruction from an approved provider in one or more of the areas identified in Env-Wt 905.03(b) within the 2-year term of the individual's current certificate
  • provide a statement that the applicant currently holds a valid certificate as a culvert maintainer
  • be able to demonstrate that the applicant is employed at the time of renewal by a state or municipal public works agency
  • have filed all required reports
  • have not acted or failed to act in any way that would constitute just cause to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the certificate

Eligible individuals need to fill out this DES application. There is no fee for the application.

CCM Resources & Materials

Contact Marilee Enus at marilee.enus@unh.edu for additional viewing options or further assistance in accessing this information.

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For more information about CCM Certification, contact CCM@des.nh.gov