Microsoft 365 Group

UNH Technology Transfer Center and NH LTAP provide the Microsoft 365 group for those associated with New Hampshire public works; subscription to the closed group is available upon request and review of the following criteria:

Public Works Net (PWnet) is a Microsoft365 Group for open discussion among people who are associated with Public Works in New Hampshire. This group is not to be used for the purpose of solicitation of products, although products may be discussed for the purpose of providing support to other members. This is a fine line, do NOT try to take advantage of it. Offenders will be warned if this line is crossed and REMOVED if the behavior continues.

Please complete the below form to request subscription to the group.  Please note that this group is a closed group and the NH LTAP reserves the right to remove anyone at any time.

If you are added as a member, please read and observe the following guidelines:

  1. Messages that violate our Social Media and PWnet Acceptable Use policy or other UNH policies for fair and equal treatment, including containing abusive content of any sort: name calling, profanity, ridicule of another member's beliefs, opinions, etc. will not be tolerated. If you disagree with another member's post, then send the note directly to that member and not to the entire group.  Offenders will be immediately removed from the group at the group manager's discretion and NOT open to dispute. Pay close attention to the next guideline.

  2. HUMOR & SARCASM: Be CAREFUL with humor and sarcasm. Messages can be easily misinterpreted without voice inflection. 

  3. REPLYING:  When replying to a group message, please use caution in Reply All versus Reply – Using the Reply function will respond only to the individual who sent the email, whereas Reply All will reply to the entire group.  If your response is one intended only for the individual who initially sent the message, use Reply.  If your response is intended for the entire group (all recipients of the group), use Reply All

  4. REVIEWING SENT and ARCHIVED MESSAGES: Note that when you send a message to PWnet you will not receive a sender’s copy in your inbox.  You can see your sent message under your Sent emails, as confirmation it was sent, if you’d like to.  Messages received through the group will appear in your Inbox but may also be retained in a Group folder.  

  5. A NOTE ABOUT OUT OF OFFICE and UNDELIVERABLE emails: The Microsoft Group works such that if you send a message to the group , you may receive auto-emails back from individuals in the group that are out of office or otherwise undeliverable, similar to sending an email in any other system.  We appreciate awareness of undeliverable email addresses that might indicate an email address is no longer active- feel free to forward those messages to so we can address them and keep the group cleaned.  Similarly, if you are a member of the group and have an out of office ("Away" message) in place, or the group is unable to deliver a message to your email for any reason, the group member that sent the message that cannot be delivered or triggered your Away message will receive it directly.  The entire group will not receive the auto-message, just the individual who sent the initial message to

  6.  Have an issue with using  Want to unsubscribe?  Need to update your email address?  Please email for all questions, issues, or updates/changes as well as to be unsubscribed.  Please do not send a message to directly for assistance with your group subscription.

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