
Picture of two individuals in retroreflective vests and hard hats, heavy equipment behind them in a trench with a ladder

Supporting New Hampshire's local highway and public works departments with training, technical assistance, tools and resources to improve the quality and safety of roads throughout our state.  Home of New Hampshire's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), through support from FHWA & NHDOT.

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UNH campus aerial at night


Wheelbarrow Alton NH

About Us

Surveying in dirt lot

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Road work employees on the UNH campus

NH's PW Community

  • 2025 Printed Calendar coming soon

    Did your public works department move this year? do you have a new DPW Director or Road Agent?   Please email us at T2.Center@unh.edu so we can be sure you receive your copy of the 2025 training calendar. Our 2025 Calendar will be arriving at your mailbox soon!


  • Ask our technical specialist web feature

    We’re pleased to provide personalized technical assistance to NH municipal highway departments via phone, email, or special site visits to assist you with a variety of topics, such as drainage issues, gravel roads maintenance, pavement condition, roadway safety opportunities, and asset management. We also provide technical assistance for operational and administrative functions such as workforce development and software applications.Let us help you solve a roadway riddle! Visit our Technical Assistance webpage for more information.

  • Winter Storm Tracker Spreadsheet

    We are excited to share our updated and enhanced Winter Storm Response Tracker, an Excel workbook that allows you to easily capture and save winter storm data including precipitation, temperature, material and labor costs, material use, and more. With minimum setup you can customize the spreadsheet to your municipality! Learn more here !


  • image of keyboard with TRANSCRIPT key and text

    Check out our helpful FAQs and videos on how to reset and access your student account, certificate of completion, or transcript!


  • Build a Better Mousetrap 2025

    The 2025 Build a Better Mousetrap Innovation Competition is now accepting entries! Visit our webpage for more information.

Upcoming PW Events

December 25, 2024 - January 2, 2025
Recognizing Public Works' Professional Development Achievements


UNH T2 Headlines

Culvert Installation & Maintenance class approved for NHDES Certified Culvert Maintainer (CCM) training eff. 7/1!

We're excited to offer another way for municipal and state employees to complete training necessary to apply for their CCM certificate! Municipal or state employees who complete the training and pass the exam may apply to become CCM certified. Details about the CCM Program                  

Upcoming CCM-eligible training


Save the Date! Our first Winter Operators' Field Day in Concord on August 12th!

We're planning a day of all-things modern winter operations! Demos, breakouts, and lots of hands-on time to practice applying liquids, plus more to be announced soon! Be sure to save the date and stay tuned for details and registration!

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Roads scholar achievements


Available Resources