
Resource Category Type
Roundabouts- An Informational Guide
Link to buy the Roundabouts: An Informational Guide- Second Edition
Road Specifications & Design Web Link
What is a Traffic Impact Study and When is One Needed
T2 UConn What is a Traffic Impact Study and When is One Needed.
Road Specifications & Design Web Link
NHDOT Suggested Minimum Design Standard for Rural Subdivision Streets
NHDOT Suggested Minimum Design Standards for Rural Subdivision Streets Document
Road Specifications & Design Web Link
Winter Operations and Salt, Sand and Chemical Management Report
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Winter Operations and Salt, Sand and Chemical Management report
Winter Maintenance Web Link
SIMA Snow Talk Podcast
Snow and Ice Management Association Snow Talk Podcast links to different episodes.
Winter Maintenance Web Link
FHWA Innovation Exchange Webinar- Anti- Icing with Brine
Anti-Icing with Brine video provided by the NHDOT
Winter Maintenance Web Link
Final Rule Fact Sheet Stormwater Phase II
Provides links related to Stormwater Phase II Final Rule Fact Sheet Series provided by the EPA.
Stormwater & Erosion Control Web Link
2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual
Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual from 2004 used for example only must follow NH standards.
Stormwater & Erosion Control Web Link
NHDOT Guidelines For Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management
Provide guidelines for temporary erosion, sediment control, and stormwater management provided by the NHDOT
Stormwater & Erosion Control Web Link
Maine Erosion & Sediment Control BMPs
Maine Erosion and Sediment Control used for example on must follow UNH standards.
Stormwater & Erosion Control Web Link
Culvert Scour Assessment
Provides information about culverts assessment
Culverts & Drainage
Public Works School Outreach Engagement
Discusses Activities to Build Awareness of Careers in Local Transportation Agencies.
Hiring & Workforce Development Web Link
Training Roadmap for Civil Engineering Technicians
This is an outline of the training requirements for the Civil Engineering Technicians.
Hiring & Workforce Development Web Link
Best Practices for Patching Potholes in Asphalt Pavements
In order to prevent pothole failure, there needs to be a lack of water using drainage facilities etc.
Pavement Web Link
Permanent Pothole Patching
This resource is a demonstration of permanent patching methods and materials in potholes.
Pavement Video
Pavement Maintenance
This resource talks about why roads fail, repair techniques, pavement distress, choosing the right repair, crack repair, patching, and thin-wearing…
Pavement Web Link
What is the Proper Technique for Filling Potholes?
This resource talks about the throw-and-roll technique for pothole filling.
Pavement Web Link
Maintenance of Gravel Roads Tech Sheet
A four page technical sheet summarizing key components and criteria in proper gravel road maintenance.
Gravel Roads Web Link
Gravel Road Management Tool
An easy-to-use, customizable resource for inventorying gravel roads, tracking maintenance activity and expenditures, preparing budgets and planning…
Gravel Roads Web Link
Local Road Surface Selection Tool
The Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Roads materials calculator assists with determining costs associated with maintaining roads (gravel and paved) and…
Gravel Roads Web Link