Resource | Category | Type |
Roundabouts- An Informational Guide Link to buy the Roundabouts: An Informational Guide- Second Edition
Road Specifications & Design | Web Link |
What is a Traffic Impact Study and When is One Needed T2 UConn What is a Traffic Impact Study and When is One Needed.
Road Specifications & Design | Web Link |
NHDOT Suggested Minimum Design Standard for Rural Subdivision Streets NHDOT Suggested Minimum Design Standards for Rural Subdivision Streets Document
Road Specifications & Design | Web Link |
Winter Operations and Salt, Sand and Chemical Management Report American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Winter Operations and Salt, Sand and Chemical Management report
Winter Maintenance | Web Link |
SIMA Snow Talk Podcast Snow and Ice Management Association Snow Talk Podcast links to different episodes.
Winter Maintenance | Web Link |
FHWA Innovation Exchange Webinar- Anti- Icing with Brine Anti-Icing with Brine video provided by the NHDOT
Winter Maintenance | Web Link |
Final Rule Fact Sheet Stormwater Phase II Provides links related to Stormwater Phase II Final Rule Fact Sheet Series provided by the EPA.
Stormwater & Erosion Control | Web Link |
2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual from 2004 used for example only must follow NH standards.
Stormwater & Erosion Control | Web Link |
NHDOT Guidelines For Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Provide guidelines for temporary erosion, sediment control, and stormwater management provided by the NHDOT
Stormwater & Erosion Control | Web Link |
Maine Erosion & Sediment Control BMPs Maine Erosion and Sediment Control used for example on must follow UNH standards.
Stormwater & Erosion Control | Web Link |
Culvert Scour Assessment Provides information about culverts assessment
Culverts & Drainage | |
Public Works School Outreach Engagement Discusses Activities to Build Awareness of Careers in Local Transportation Agencies.
Hiring & Workforce Development | Web Link |
Training Roadmap for Civil Engineering Technicians This is an outline of the training requirements for the Civil Engineering Technicians.
Hiring & Workforce Development | Web Link |
Best Practices for Patching Potholes in Asphalt Pavements In order to prevent pothole failure, there needs to be a lack of water using drainage facilities etc.
Pavement | Web Link |
Permanent Pothole Patching This resource is a demonstration of permanent patching methods and materials in potholes.
Pavement | Video |
Pavement Maintenance This resource talks about why roads fail, repair techniques, pavement distress, choosing the right repair, crack repair, patching, and thin-wearing…
Pavement | Web Link |
What is the Proper Technique for Filling Potholes? This resource talks about the throw-and-roll technique for pothole filling.
Pavement | Web Link |
Maintenance of Gravel Roads Tech Sheet A four page technical sheet summarizing key components and criteria in proper gravel road maintenance.
Gravel Roads | Web Link |
Gravel Road Management Tool An easy-to-use, customizable resource for inventorying gravel roads, tracking maintenance activity and expenditures, preparing budgets and planning…
Gravel Roads | Web Link |
Local Road Surface Selection Tool The Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Roads materials calculator assists with determining costs associated with maintaining roads (gravel and paved) and…
Gravel Roads | Web Link |